To explain why corporations would take part in basicincome.co, and how it then would serve as a powerful and democratic tool for wealth redistribution, I must first explain why consumers would prefer corporations that are connected. To do this I will start by going over a few basic concepts.
In Basicincome.co, you have an individual “basicincome pool”. The size of your pool is determined by the size of the your basicincome swarm and its level of redistribution. Your basicincome swarm consists of all the nodes that you are connected to through your basicincome transactions (transactions made through basicincome.co). You do not only connect to the individual node with which you make a transaction, but also with this node’s basicincome swarm. Therefore, if you trade with a corporation that has decided to use basicincome transactions with its entire supply line, your swarm will grow significantly. The level of redistribution is determined by the tax level set by: a) yourself; and b) the nodes within your swarm. You can never receive basicincome at a higher level than the one set for your own transactions. If you trade with a node that has a lower tax level than you, your distribution level will be capped to that node’s level until the amount of the transaction has passed through you. Therefore, if you trade with someone who is outside the network, or who has a tax level of zero, you will stop receiving basicincome for a short while. This means that consumers who want to receive basicincome will benefit greatly from seeking out corporations that are connected to basicincome.co. Therefore, corporations are incited to join the network in their effort to gain and keep costumers. Not only will this mean that consumers can create a resilient financial safety net through making active consumerist choices. The corporations will also be encouraged to take greater financial responsibility for their entire supply line. |