Decentralizing the world’s capital markets Wealth distribution is rampant problem in our society. While millions struggled to eat and drink fresh water in 2013, the S&P 500 total annual returns including dividends grew 32%. (1) This wealth needs to be distributed evenly across society so that every human being is able to insure its survival using these dividends. We need to start acting now, the total market cap for all 1,635 large caps and mid caps included in the MSCI index is 33,659,023 million dollars. The YTD growth rate as of November 28 2014 is 7.19%. (2) If we managed to share this common asset equally and distribute the benefits this growth incurs equally amongst every human being, every human being would be entitled to $4,623 worth of shares. (33,659,023,000,000/7,279,392,000=4,623) The dividends for November 2014 YTD would give everybody $332 (4,623*0.0719=332.39) This is equivalent to $0.90 per day, per individual. |