[2015-05-27 15:32:31] Evok3d Hey mate Evok3d how you going! Evok3d i will be speaking at the Amsterdam bitcoinference this weekend Evok3d i wanted to catch up with you and represent your work Evok3d http://bitcoinference.com/2015/Evolution-of-the-bitcoin-technology.html Evok3d Let me know when we can have a chat Evok3d Cheers [2015-06-02 04:39:26] Johan Nygren hey mate, damn i’ve been away from Skype. i’ve made a bit of progress in the past week, i’m building a client in http://bitnation.world, https://twitter.com/resilience_me/status/603334131284647937, and it’s a lot easier now that I can integrate with their ecosystem, and it’s been nice to have the bitnation dev-team help me out a bit. the system is still experimental and hasn’t really been tested. this current client has pan-currency support, users will be able to add new currencies and financial platforms (sketch http://i.imgur.com/jJU9D0p.gif), all they have to do is cut and paste some API links from the platforms. so, i’m crowdsourcing currency coverage. i made a design choice earlier today to let users have an infinite number of currencies, and an infinite number of addresses in each, but, only one Basicincome.co account per person. and, their dividend flow will be limited as if they had only one address. meaning, if 0.1BTC flow through one of their pathways, then the rest of the pathways on other addresses/currencies will be blocked for 0.1BTC. it’s the same flow if you have one address or a billion addresses https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHKIeR3ylAQ Johan Nygren: i’ve also got an alternative design. a $100 pathway facilitates a flow of $100, but the account only gets $100/size of swarm. the account had to pay x%, and if they create two accounts, they'll have to pay x%, but their pathways will only facilitate $50 each, which leaves them with the same flow, but having paid more dividends. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NX5APHHl_nk&index=6&list=PLb5pvPPb-bHO1ZKHWMq1YhM866vL-TeMy a $100 pathway doesn't give you $100, it creates a liquidity of $100 for the network. creating 3 accounts with $33 in each won't give you more, but you'll pay more. that's one way of transcending the ID problem Johan Nygren: both systems - both the one account per person, and the one where multiple accounts won't give benefits - work. dividend pathways and the incentive layer is a platform technology. Johan Nygren I envision the platform as a voluntary and non-coercive tax-collecting system, and that multiple applications and contracts could run on it. There are traditional systems in India where Co-ops fund healthcare and schools, and this co-op 2.0 network, that transcends the nation-state and the co-operative, could provide a flow of money, shares, that could be used by the network in many different ways www.resilience.world/#!whitepaper/c21xm |